Sunday, May 1, 2011

Windy Weekend Fun

We had dinner on Saturday with our friend and cousin's cousin. She even took Mr. F and me on our first El ride! It was a fun success. The only bad thing was, I got gum on my skirt. Boo! Fortunately, it seemed to all come off by rubbing ice on it. 
Today was May Day! Mr. F and I found a new brunch place on the Chicago River, called the Bridge House Tavern. I had the delightful and very filling Pig's Trio Biscuits and Gravy. It was pretty windy but spring was in the air. It was in the mid 60s today in Chicago! Everything is in bloom! I hope this weather stays around for, at least, the month of May! 

1 comment:

kristin said...

Wow, your brunch looks amazing! Love the beautiful blossoms too:)

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