Sunday, May 29, 2011

Running in the Rain and Dreamy Dresses

I woke up and it was dreary outside. 

Since fog had covered all of downtown Chicago, 

I started a lazy Sunday morning by catching up on Grey's Antomy and looking at dreamy 


 For example, how lovely is this peach dream? 

I wish I had an excuse to wear it!
Source: via Linda on Pinterest

I decided to get in a quick morning run before the thunderstorms hit, and we ran right into one! I went from this relaxed feeling: 

to this invigorated state in a few minutes:

Mr. F and I got back to the apartment completely soaked but loving it. This is what it looks like outside right now. 

Are you exhilarated by rain? I know I am. It must my Seattle upbringing! :)

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