Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chicago (Ork Posters!)

Check out Ork Posters! I love these Chicago neighborhood posters. 

The Seattle one still makes me a little melancholy.

What do you think of these neighborhood posters?

UPDATE: There's a heart and brain poster too. I wish I saw this before my Biology 101 class in college.

Ork Posters has a great mantra too. 

To us, it's not just posters. To us it's about finding where we are, where we've been and where we want to go. In the most humble manner, we can only hope it's that for you too. 


That Girl in Pearls said...

Clever! What a neat idea. Totally could have used that brain poster in my psych class in undergrad haha. Awesome.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

That Girl in Pearls

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I love Ork posters! I bought my friend a NYC one for Christmas a couple years ago!

Laure said...

I have the heart fiance got it for me! :)

Lijit Search Wijit

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