Sunday, May 29, 2011

Running in the Rain and Dreamy Dresses

I woke up and it was dreary outside. 

Since fog had covered all of downtown Chicago, 

I started a lazy Sunday morning by catching up on Grey's Antomy and looking at dreamy 


 For example, how lovely is this peach dream? 

I wish I had an excuse to wear it!
Source: via Linda on Pinterest

I decided to get in a quick morning run before the thunderstorms hit, and we ran right into one! I went from this relaxed feeling: 

to this invigorated state in a few minutes:

Mr. F and I got back to the apartment completely soaked but loving it. This is what it looks like outside right now. 

Are you exhilarated by rain? I know I am. It must my Seattle upbringing! :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Welcoming the long weekend!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! In Chicago, it's suppose to rain and thunderstorm over the weekend,  but I don't mind!

I'm excited to sleep in and attend a fun BBQ on Sunday. We're going to bring Navy beans, Red and White wine to be festive. I think we should bring a fun Washington wine like, Mark Ryan's Vincent!

Hopefully, Monday's weather will have more....

What are you doing for the long weekend?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Addicted to Pinterest

Currently, I'm looking up ideas for Barcelona with the help on Pinterest. Check out my Barcelona ideas board at

I've ordered my Moleskine Barcelona to capture all my ideas and write my own travel guide.

If you're not aware of Pinterest, or you haven't pinned much:

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Glee was amazing!

Oh my goodness, I squealed through the entire episode. I can't think of a show that gets my inner dork sooo much.

Did you watch it? Did you get chills when they sang at Nationals?

Monday, May 23, 2011

My weekend in pictures

We drove to Appleton, WI to visit my grandmother for the day! 
The Wisconsin countryside was beautiful Sunday morning. 
We made it back to Chicago in time for a family BBQ. Mr. F had second cousins in town from Toronto and they were adorable!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Barcelona in June!!

Oh my goodness, my work is sending me to Barcelona!!! Mr. F and I are planning to stay a few extra days too. I'm so psyched and don't even know where to go. Please please send me suggestions!Barcelona Sights 2011: a travel guide to the top fifty attractions in Barcelona, Spain (Mobi Sights)Rick Steves' Snapshot Barcelona />Barcelona Sights 2011: a travel guide to the top fifty attractions in Barcelona, Spain (Mobi Sights)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chicago (Ork Posters!)

Check out Ork Posters! I love these Chicago neighborhood posters. 

The Seattle one still makes me a little melancholy.

What do you think of these neighborhood posters?

UPDATE: There's a heart and brain poster too. I wish I saw this before my Biology 101 class in college.

Ork Posters has a great mantra too. 

To us, it's not just posters. To us it's about finding where we are, where we've been and where we want to go. In the most humble manner, we can only hope it's that for you too. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Gleefully Happy Cd

I love making cds for people. I really enjoy putting my favorite songs together to make someone happy. I decided to lift the mood at work (too much data entry can get a person down) so I made this mixed cd called, "Gleefully Happy". It's not all Glee music but it was heavily influenced. I know I will be rocking to this album in traffic on I-90. Hopefully it makes a few others smile too.

I'm bopping my head to P.Y.T. by Michael Jackson as the disc burns. It it toe tapping fun!

I Wish by Stevie Wonder Songs in the Key of Life (This song always makes me smile!)

Try a Little Tenderness (Glee Cast Version) (Wow, Mercedes rocked this song and I really enjoy the original version too.)

Singing In the Rain / Umbrella (feat. Gwyneth Paltrow) [Glee Cast Version] (I love Singing in the Rain!)

Animal (Glee Cast Version) Glee: The Music Presents The Warblers (Blaine and Kurt singing together make me happy, plus this is an awesome 80s song.)

Melody by Kate Earl (The words to this song are beautiful.)

Hang On Little Tomato by Pink Martini (A great song for a bad Monday.)

You Make My Dreams Come True  by Hall & Oates (I wasn't really aware of this song until seeing Knight and Day with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz and it's so fun!)

Yoshimi Battle the Pink Robots, Pt. 1 by The Flaming Lips (A great kick butt song)

You Can Call Me Al byPaul Simon Graceland album (Love this whole album)

Chasing Pirates by Norah Jones from The Fall album (Appeals to my inner child)

Keep Breathing by Ingrid Michaelson (A good reminder at all times)

Pure Imagination (Glee Cast Version) (Also appeals to my inner child, who doesn't love Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)

P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) by Michael Jackson from the Thriller album (Always makes me want to dance)

Let It All Hang Out by Weezer from Raditude (This sums up traffic and getting to work late!)

Hope you enjoy my songs too!

I want to visit the chocolate factory.

Bloomer's Chocolate Factory is across the Chicago River from my house. When the wind blows right, we can smell it in our apartment. It's delectable. Imagine the mouthwatering sensation of melted chocolate flooding your neighborhood. This is my reality.

I need to visit the chocolate factory soon and go on a tour. Plus, there's an OUTLET STORE at the factory! Oh my goodness!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I've discovered Pinterest!

I'm feeling under the weather today, so I have been pinning away on Pinterest! Danielle from Breakfast at Toast introduced me to this lovely and addictive "virtual pinboard"! Here's an example of one of my boards, called "beautiful hair". I was initially inspired by this pretty photo.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's a soggy Saturday

This morning I woke up to a delightful breakfast of pitas, Mexican white cheese, fried eggs, sweet peppers and tomatoes. It was delicious, thanks to Mr. F! 

We decided to run to Navy Pier and back before the impending rain. We made it 5 miles in in the 15-25 mph winds, before it started drizzling. Fortunately, we ducked into a sandwich shop called "delicious" to get out of the rain and have lunch. 

I'm excited for this evening, we're meeting friends for Cuban food at Cafe 28 in Lincoln Park! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It sounds like thunder and cannonballs outside!

First the sky was red...
then the skyline started to disappear...
 the sky opened up and...
started dumping!
I'm amazed that the cats weren't scared. It sound like a cannon was erupting outside! Although, it was over in 10 minutes, it was awesome. I can't wait for more Midwest thunderstorms!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I look at the Skyline...

I look at the skyline
A million lights are lookin' back at me
And when they shine
I see a place I know I'll find some peace
I just look at the skyline

Lijit Search Wijit

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