We woke up leisurely Christmas morning and had a quick egg breakfast. Before we jetted off to the parents' house for presents, I took a few cute pictures of the Christmas cats, Lyra and Lily, under the tree!
We brought the sparkling wine for the mimosa station. Mom had found these neat local juices that were oh, so tasty!
Mom also had all these adorable Christmas mugs lined up on the windowsill! They're perfect for hot chocolate and marshmallows.
Stewart was ready to open presents and tried to help before we were even done with the big family breakfast!
I think there were more presents than ever, under the tree. My cousin thought there were more presents because we all buy presents now, unlike when we were little kids.
Mr. F was super psyched to open this remote control helicopter from Grandpa Larry and Tootie.
One of our favorite presents was also in the biggest box!!
My grandmother, Tootie, was so cute and excited every time she opened a present! I think the best one was
the yeti coat from my Mom. Tootie looked so happy and ready to compete in the Iditarod!
I love taking pictures with my sisters and cousin!! 
Later in the day, we went to a big family dinner at the Aqua/Terra restaurant. We had almost 30 people from my Mom's side of the family!
Here are all the presents in the white elephant gift pile!
The decorations were so festive and fun!
The dessert table was my favorite. There were creme puffs, petit fours, and cookies galore!
This is our adorable newest cousin, in Christmas elf pants!
Janie got a GIANT box of chocolates in the family white elephant gift exchange!
Mr. F and I won this awesome kabuki puppet in the white elephant after exchanging a few gifts!
My cousins, sisters, and I love taking pictures together!
I think my favorite present of the day was, Glee Karaoke! Mr. F, my sister, and I sang with this for over two hours and made ourselves hoarse. It is sooo much fun!